
Teaser - A Reluctant Kidnapper


[spaceship noises]


Now entering: system GS 1245.


Alright. ECHO, prepare the landing gear.


User Atalanta. Unlawful transportation, larceny, and confinement of a person against their will is an offense punishable by fines and/or imprisonment in 12 different systems, including Hellas, Crete, The Colchian System, Macedon, the Peloponnese—


Good thing we’re not in any of those systems!


User Atalanta. Unlawful transportation, larceny, and confinement of a person is an offense punishable in 12 different systems.


I’m aware, Echo. So’s, like, murder. If you kidnap a murderer, doesn’t it, I dunno, even out?

[Echo beeps]


User Atalanta. Are you sure you would like to proceed with this action? Unlawful transportation, larceny, and confinement of a person is—


I know, Echo. Just… ready the landing gear. Please?


User Atalanta. Are you sure you would like to proceed with this action? This action could have negative consequences if you choose to proceed.

ATALANTA [yelling]

I know, Echo! Do you think I want to do this? Do you honestly think my first idea was to go to a… wanted murderer for help? I literally have no other options, I’m under a bloody death threat!


User Atalanta. Your heart rate has surpassed 100 beats per minute.

[a pause, Atalanta sighs]


User Atalanta. I am a series four, modified NYMPH model Artificial Intelligence. It is my job to assist and aid you in every way possible. Your safety and happiness are always in my best interests.


I… know you’re worried. I just… Do you have any better ideas?

[Echo beeps, running through possible ideas]



[Atalanta sighs]

Do you wish to proceed with this action?


I mean… I can’t give up on looking for the FLCC. He said if I didn’t find it, he was gonna kill me and— and besides that, this could be our chance! This could finally be the time where we make it big. no more rickety old ship, no more bargain meds, no more— no more scripts! Imagine that, Echo, you could say anything, whenever you wanted!

[a loud beep, a recording of Atalanta begins to play:]

ATALANTA [recording]

This is the one, Echo! We’ll make it big this time, deadset. No more constant missions, no more half-done repairs, and— Echo, I bet we could get your voice back! Imagine that!

[another loud beep, the recording ends]


Yeah, okay, I know I said it the last time.

[Echo bleeps indignantly]
[Atalanta’s theme begins to play]

… And the time before that, but this time will be different, I swear. I mean, this is the FLCC we’re talking about! And, did I mention that if I don’t find it, I could literally die?

[Atalanta sighs]

Just, Echo. Lower the landing gear. Please.



[Echo beeps]


Lowering landing gear.

[a loud beep, a recording of Atalanta begins to play:]

ATALANTA [recording]

I love you-

[another loud beep, the recording ends]


User Atalanta.

ATALANTA [softly]

I love you too, Echo. Here goes nothing.

[the ambience of the spaceship fades out, Atalanta’s theme continues under the credits:]


Khôra Podcast is created by A.L. Emmet. This trailer featured the voices of Kat Hawthorne and Mq Quinlan. It was written by Jules Violet, with music and sound design by the Khôra team, who you can read more about in the show notes. Khôra Podcast will be coming to wherever you get your podcasts in December 2020.